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Carbon neutral printing for recycled papers

ONLINEPRINTERS enables customers the carbon neutral printing of recycled papers at no extra cost

ONLINEPRINTERS further increases its commitment to environmental protection and sustainability. According to Roland Keppler, the CEO of ONLINEPRINTERS, customers who order printed products made from recycled paper have the carbon emissions produced during the production of their job offset at no extra cost. He details: "Environmental protection is very important to our customers as it is for us as a company. We have therefore decided to offer all products printed on recycled paper with a zero carbon footprint with immediate effect without our customers having to pay an extra charge as previously." The carbon offsetting is carried out by the climate protection specialists from ClimatePartner.

Customers who order printed products made from recycled paper have the carbon emissions of their print job offset at no extra cost.

Carbon neutral printing for recycled papers

Carbon neutral printing

Carbon neutral printing means that all carbon emissions created by producing the print job will be offset through a recognised climate protection project. The carbon footprint of the products printed on recycled paper is first calculated by ONLINEPRINTERS and ClimatePartner to determine the amount of carbon emissions to be compensated for. The money will be used to support a project that protects the rainforest in the Brazilian Amazon region and additionally the planting of trees in Germany.


When purchasing other products from the online print shop, customers can also place a carbon neutral order against payment of an extra charge of less than one percent of the order value on average which will be displayed during checkout.


Moritz Lehmkuhl, the founder and CEO of ClimatePartner: "We are pleased that ONLINEPRINTERS is further expanding its already strong commitment to climate protection and is pioneering the industry by introducing novel and unique offers in this respect. By doing so, the company makes a significant impact which shows that responsibility, sustainability, customer focus and business development go hand in hand."

Committed to sustainability

The online printer prefers certified paper from sustainable forest management, carrying the labels of the international forest certification systems "Forest Stewardship Council“ (FSC®) or "Programmes for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes™" (PEFC™). Moreover, the online print shop is committed to environmental protection and climate friendly operations in many other areas. For example, cradle to cradle certified mineral-oil-free inks are used in offset printing and the exposure process works without chemicals or drinking water. The plates are one hundred percent recyclable and reusable. A centralised ink management system helps avoid packaging material and the cutting-edge machines are very economical and enable cost-effective proof printing. What is more, ONLINEPRINTERS has been certified according to the French eco-label "Imprim'Vert (green printing) since 2017 which sets high standard.

Press contact:

Christina Haeusser
Head of Brand Management and Corporate Communication

Tel.: +49 9161 6209807
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